On 13-17 December 2021, one of our staff, Ihsan, attended training on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The European Union defines SEA as a systematic process for evaluating the environmental implications of a proposed policy, plan, or programme.
One of TJF mission is advocating sustainable agriculture to provide food continuously for humanity. SEA can help assist sustainable development on agricultural sector. Usually, using that Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) only on specific project, while SEA provide broad range on environmental analysis in regional or landscape level.
From avocation and policy, we clearly recommended prioritised programs and kept at a strategic level, avoiding temptation to analyse potential impacts of individual interventions in detail. We can offer a solution for climate resilient agriculture and low-carbon development.
Along with 40 other trainees from various institutions, we learnt step by step how to make SEA; even though it is on general knowledge because of time limitations. However, we received a lot of insight for sustainable development.
Hence, with this newer knowledge and skill, it will help future research on TJF. And because SEA is strategic option and for long-term progress, analysis of environmental and socio-economic is important. We use ecosystem service approach for this case.