The live talk entitled “Kisah Kasih Padi dan Gambut” was the first TJF’s interactive discussion forum that was open to the public through the Instagram Live platform. TJF Live Talks raises the discussion about agriculture practices on suboptimal land in a sustainable manner, one of which is agriculture on the peatlands.
Currently, there are many issues about peatlands, considering that the government continues to promote farming on peatlands to achieve food security. That was the background of TJF in holding this interactive discussion forum. TJF Live Talks began with an introduction to TJF and its areas of focus. TJF Research Coordinator Ika Zahara, who presented this discussion, said that the idea of developing the food estate on peatland is a good idea. That is primarily intending to achieve food security and in order to have diversified food diversification. Ironically, because the track record carried out by the government has not produced good results, this issue is being a matter of doubt for the wider community.
Farming on peatlands can be done as long as it is not on protected land and does not damage the peat ecology. Utilizing peatlands for agriculture has its challenges, such as high acid and water content, flammability, and many other factors that must be considered. The objectives of this TJF Live Talks include providing insight to people who are unfamiliar with peatlands, introducing terminology related to peatlands, and discussing the good and bad impacts that agricultural practices on peatlands can cause.